Friday, July 24, 2009

Aaaannnddd a week later...

Short stuff...if there's a blue pill and a red pill...and the red pill is half the price of the red pill.....wait...I take the blue pill and I can stay in my happy little matrix world? Yeah...I want health insurance, but DAMN I love ignorance! And Keanu Reeves...and/or Laurence Fishburne...aka Morpheus. Ok, so I do love me some Matrix.

Hmmm...kinda like me some Stephen Colbert as well..."Benjamin from Nyack - I've heard a lot that Canada rations - what does that mean, and I'm scared enough?"

Colbert - "Good question Benjamin,"

"Ben, rationing means that when things are looking bleak, the government is going to say 'Sorry! Treating you is not worth the cost.'

Private insurance would never do that.

They decide you're not worth the cost much earlier."

...There you have it - socialized medicine=invisible death box"


Even more so...

"Now, evidently folks, Bill Gates is devising a plan to cool the warm water on the ocean's surface that fuels oncoming hurricanes.

We can't let Bill Gates control the weather!

No matter what weather he tries for, there's a good chance everything will freeze...

Besides, if you really want to get rid of hurricanes, wouldn't it be easier to spray that cold water onto the gay people who's hot sex is causing God to send them in the first place?"

Oy. Vey.

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