Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So, I'm going to try something new...I am going to try and post a blog entry every single day for one month. Some of them may be pathetically boring, but I'm just going to try it out!

So, what's happening in my life?

Looking at some additional sources of revenue since the bookkeeping biz, while doing relatively well, is still not enough to comfortably pay the bills.

Planning the boyfriend's 33rd birthday!

Trying to figure out inexpensive trips to take so I still get to take advantage of the beautiful summer and have a little bit of a vacation, but not break the bank!

Starting to train for the half marathon I'm running in October. Super excited for it! It's the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco...motto is "Run Like A Girl" and when you cross the finish line, a firefighter hands you a Tiffany necklace! Oh yeah! I mean, really, what else can a girl ask for? ;)

And, today, specifically, I'm working and looking at making "Chilled Summer Gazpacho with an Herbed Sour Cream" for dinner...now what do I make with it?

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