Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 7

One week down...11 to go!

I'm feeling marginally better. Still a little bit of a headache and definitely still tired...brain's still not functioning at 100% yet. But, definitely not miserable anymore.

Managed to maintain the vegan diet for the entire week (though I ate some braised greens last night that may have been cooked in some butter...), worked out for 5 days of the last 7, though I only sat in the sauna twice for only about 20 mins each time, so didn't really get that done.

I think I will try hot yoga in an effort to meet the sauna requirement. I'm going to check out I Love Hot Yoga of Greenlake who has a 10 classes for $30 special going on. Plus, it's conveniently located on my way home from the salon, so I can just head there after work two or three days a week. Otherwise, I will be continuing the runs at Greenlake with Susie on Tuesday and Thursday, and hit Olympic Gym in Ballard the rest of the time.

Also, went out for a little bit last night. Hit Hattie's Hat and Tin Hat (hmmm...a theme?) and actually enjoyed myself even though I only drank water and grapefruit juice. There was a little staring at the other drinks, but it wasn't too difficult. So, yay! Again...small victories :)

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